2022 KAJO Finland Pre-Registration

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Welcome to the 2022 KAJO Finland Jamboree Pre-Registration! You are about to register your group for the adventure of a lifetime in Finland July 15-23, 2022!


The Canadian Contingent to FinnJamboree KAJO 2022 has a bit of space to add in a few more groups!!! Deadline for new pre-registrations is December 15, 2021.

Are you READY?

Are you Ready to fly to Helsinki and landing in one of the most historic Cities’ in Europe. Helsinki has been around since 1550!

Are you Ready tour around Helsinki and experiencing all that Helsinki has to offer.

Are you Ready to take the Bus to camp and find yourself in a large preserved forest of very tall pine trees.

Are you Ready to meet the Finnish Troop that you have been talking to on Zoom for months.

Are you Ready the start of the adventure of your life, an experience that you will never forget!

2022 Super Summer Scout Adventure

Looking for the PERFECT pre-camp experience before the Finland Jamboree? Scouts Canada has the Kandersteg International Scout Centre booked so the dates line up to combine with Kajo! So those that wish to take part in two amazing European adventures in the summer of 2022 can do both! KISC runs Monday, July 4 – Thursday, July 14, 2022. Flights within Europe are very inexpensive, and there are many direct flights from Zurich to Helsinki! To find out more about this amazing pre-camp opportunity, contact kisc2020@scouts.ca or check out the website at www.kisc2020.ca

How do we register?

You have arrived at the place you need to be. The Canadian Contingent will help you get your group organized and connected with your Finnish Troop that you will be staying with at Camp.

The CMT will be guiding you along the way and letting you know what comes next.

What does the Canadian Contingent fee include?

  • Campsite fees for the duration of the Jamboree.
  • Activities while at the Jamboree and options for off-site adventures.
  • Amazing food for the duration of camp and you wont have to cook a meal!
  • Wire transfer fees & foreign exchange
  • Transportation to and from the Helsinki airport
  • Full Canadian Contingent kit

Will additional contingent gear be available?

The contingent gear included with your registration will be at the best possible price (our cost). Additional gear will be available as well for slightly above cost to registered contingent groups. Orders will also be accepted from non-contingent members but expect the price to be a bit higher. All gear profits will be used to support the Canadian Contingent.

Sounds great... but how much?

The contingent fee is $650 Canadian. This is a budgeted amount based on the information we know now. It is possible that costs may be slightly less.

100% of the fees collected will go directly to your camp experience. If we collect a surplus, we'll refund the surplus after camp.

  • Jamboree Registration (includes all meals & program activities) - $490.00
  • Contingent Gear (includes 2 t-shirts, necker, crests) - $60.00
  • Contingent Fee (includes bank fees, showcase, contingent support) - $50.00
  • Emergency (emergency fund for unforeseen expenses) - $50.00
  • Note: All funds to be dispersed. In the unlikely event there is a surplus, the funds will be refunded to the unit on a per capita basis. Residuals to go to No One Left Behind.

What is the "Emergency Fund" fee?

The "Emergency Fund" is there to protect us against unexpected pricing increases or additional expenses between now and camp. It also offers protection at camp in the event that a group encounters an emergency situation. After camp, the balance of the "Emergency Fund" will be refunded to groups. Scouts Canada encourages groups to ALWAYS build in a 5-10% Emergency Fund when planning any event or camp, but especially major events like jamborees.

What is the Payment Schedule?

Please keep in mind that these dates are subject to change:

  • September 30, 2021: $300
  • January 20, 2022: $350

Refund Policy

Full refunds will be made until the CMT has paid any non-refundable expenses. We will do everything possible to get funds back to participants. The past has shown that when cancelled the Jamboree Committees have refunded participants registration fees.

How do we pay?

E-Transfers will be preferred, but we can also accept group cheques.

What if we would rather pay the Finland Jamborette directly and not be a part of the Contingent?

You will have to be a part of the contingent. You can opt out from the Contingent Gear but you will have to participate in the rest of the Contingent financial and planning. The Contingent Management Team (CMT) is the point of contact for the Finland Jamboree Committee and all coordination of hospitality connections with the Finland Troops will be arranged through this relationship.

When registration with Finland occurs, we will notify each group who will then register on the Finland server with the group codes we will obtain from Finland. All payments to Finland will be made through the CMT.

Okay, so are you ready to Imagine?

Click the button below to begin your pre-registration for the 2022 KAJO Finland Jamboree!

Register Group

Are you already registered?

If you are already registered, you can log in here to update your registratrion information!


Patrol & Group Information

Please tell us a bit more about your your Scouting group.

Group Name:




Group Contact Person

Who will be the primary contact person for all the patrols being registered from the Scouting Group? You will have the option on the next screen to give us a separate contact person for the group traveling if needed.


MyScouts.ca Membership ID:

Email Address:

Please confirm email:

ERROR: Email address does not match!


Please confirm password:

ERROR: Passwords do not match!

Password must contain the following:

A lowercase letter

A capital (uppercase) letter

A number

Minimum 8 characters

Main Phone Number:

Date of Birth:

Is this also the Contact Scouter who will be attending with the group to Finland?
Yes No

Save and Continue

Group Details

Group Name for Camp:

Please enter the participants from the Group based on the section they will be in at the time of the Finland Jamboree in July 2022


Venturer Scouts:

Rover Scouts:


Total: 0 youth + 0 Scouters

There is no specific minimum or maximum number of youth or Scouters in a group (aside from Scouts Canada's "Duty of Care" guidelines). Include all the youth and Scouters from your group that will be camping together.

Complete Registration

Welcome to the 2022 Kajo Finland Jamboree!

Thanks for joining our 2022 Kajo Finland Jamboree team! Your youth are now on their way to an adventure of a lifetime!

Please forward your deposit ASAP, your spots are not confirmed until your deposit has been received and processed.

You will be contacted by the Canadian Finland Jamboree team with payment instructions.


2022 Super Summer Scout Adventure

Looking for the PERFECT pre-camp experience before the Finland Jamboree? Scouts Canada has the Kandersteg International Scout Centre booked so the dates line up to combine with Kajo! So those that wish to take part in two amazing European adventures in the summer of 2022 can do both! KISC runs Monday, July 4 – Thursday, July 14, 2022. Flights within Europe are very inexpensive, and there are many direct flights from Zurich to Helsinki! To find out more about this amazing pre-camp opportunity, contact kisc2020@scouts.ca or check out the website at www.kisc2020.ca

All Done!
Register for KISC 2022

Waiting List for the 2022 Kajo Finland Jamboree

Unfortunately the current demand has outpaced our availability and we do not have sufficient space for your group at this time.

DON'T PANIC JUST YET as we are working on increasing our site space to accommodate your group! We saved all your information and have added you to our waiting list.


2022 Super Summer Scout Adventure

Looking for the PERFECT pre-camp experience before the Finland Jamboree? Scouts Canada has the Kandersteg International Scout Centre booked so the dates line up to combine with Kajo! So those that wish to take part in two amazing European adventures in the summer of 2022 can do both! KISC runs Monday, July 4 – Thursday, July 14, 2022. Flights within Europe are very inexpensive, and there are many direct flights from Zurich to Helsinki! To find out more about this amazing pre-camp opportunity, contact kisc2020@scouts.ca or check out the website at www.kisc2020.ca

All Done!
Register for KISC 2022